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Movie Resources - English XP

English XP

Movie Resources

movie resources


Here you’ll find a list of movies in English that are ideal for helping you improve. The films are split into difficulty categories to help find the appropriate material. Each film will have a flag next to it to show whether it uses mainly British English  or American English .

Make sure to review any new vocabulary on a regular basis so you can remember any new words you find. Also, studies have found that watching movies with English subtitles (as well as audio) will give you the greatest benefit so make sure to switch them on!

The difficulty level is based on vocabulary range, general talking speeds, as well as speaking styles (accents etc). The easier films here are generally a lot slower paced and use simpler language compared to the more difficult ones. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!


The Lion King (Animation) 

lion king

Difficulty : ☆

The lovable Disney classic that is popular with both kids and adults.

Difficulty : ☆

One of the highest rated movies of all time. The pace of this isn’t too fast so it’s easy to keep up with what’s happening.

Cast away (Adventure) 

cast away

Difficulty : ☆

A lot of this movie features long periods with no dialogue at all and even when it does appear it is in manageable short chunks. A great recommendation for beginners.


Shaun of the Dead (Comedy, horror) 

shaun of the dead

Difficulty : ☆☆

Shaun of the dead is a classic comedy, set in London. This will give you a chance to get more exposure to the British accent.

Forrest Gump (Drama, romance)

forrest gump

Difficulty : ☆☆

This is a long film but another classic. There can be some challenging accents in here but there aren’t too many fast paced scenes.

The King’s Speech (Biography, drama) 

the king's speech

Difficulty : ☆☆

A great choice as it is related to developing speech ability.


Skyfall (Action, thriller) 


Difficulty : ☆☆☆

This is another classic film from the U.K. Expect plenty of guns, explosions and chases, all of which can make it tricky to follow the dialogue.

Sherlock Holmes (Action, adventure) 

sherlock holmes

Difficulty : ☆☆☆

Another fast paced film but made more difficult by a slightly more complex plot.

Difficulty : ☆☆☆

A great comedy which features a mix of American and British accents.