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Objective VS Subjective Language

objective subjective language


In English there are two speaking styles we can use when taking about things, objective language and subjective language. Using the correct style in an appropriate situation can make you seem more professional or empathetic and more natural.

Objective Language

Objective language is a way of talking about things in a way that does not express opinion, feelings, personal biases etc. Being objective means talking in a way that is measurable, quantifiable and is based on data and scientific fact. It also means not exaggerating or distorting the data.

That person has seven cats.

This style is useful for academic writing. As such, it is used a lot when describing graphs, charts and scientific data etc. If you are doing an exam such as “IELTS Academic Writing” then you will want to use this style in your answer.

Subjective Language

Subjective language is the opposite. By using this type of speech we are expressing our opinions, feelings and personal biases. These things can’t be measured and can conflict with other peoples opinions. We can also exaggerate certain situations.

That person has too many cats.

In this example we can’t measure how many cats are too many. Also, what might be too many cats for one person might not be too many cats for another.

This style is mostly used outside of scientific data situations (speaking casually with friends, creative writing etc). If you are doing an exam such as “IELTS General Training Writing” then you will want to use this style in your answer.

Objective Example SentencesSubjective Example Sentences
The price is rising.
Many people enjoy the taste.
The house has 7 bedrooms.
He has £7,000,000.
A large percentage of people enjoy it.
I eat at the restaurant twice a week.
The amount dropped by 50%.
The price is expensive.  
It is tasty.
The house is big.
He is rich.
It is awesome.
I eat at the restaurant all of the time.
The amount dropped ridiculously.

Objective VS Subjective Language Quiz

Check what you’ve learned with the quiz below: –

The shop is very far away.
Our profits have increased steadily since the last quarter.
The watch is more expensive than the apple.
That woman is so pretty!
He has three cars.
Yesterday it rained.
I've got so many friends.
This sandwich is delicious.
I'm old.
I ran the race in less than 7 minutes.
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Objective vs Subjective Language
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