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Compound Nouns

compound nouns

What is a Compound Noun?

A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more separate words (although usually made of just two).
house + plant = houseplant
Although we can often form these using nouns, there are many methods of construction. You will also notice that compound nouns can be made up of either a single word (closed form), a hyphenated word (hyphenated form) or two separate words (open form):
adjective + noun = greenhouse
adjective + verb = broadcast
adverb + noun = bystander
adverb + verb = input
noun + adverb = hanger-on
noun + noun = bathroom
noun + verb = ring toss
verb + adverb = lookout
verb + noun = rattle snake


As you may already know, each word in English has a preferred stress. The stress is the part of the word that usually has more emphasis than the rest of the word.
computer = comPUtar football = FOOTball reply = rePLY
With regards to pronunciation, we treat the whole compound noun as a single word and usually put the stress on the first syllable.
MOtor + CYcle = MOtorcycle
PUBlic + SPEAKing = PUBlic speaking
SCHOOL + TEAcher = SCHOOL teacher
There is good reason to put the stress in the right place. It allows us to express ourself clearly and without confusion. Here is an example of what happens when we don’t alter the stress in the word:
(stress the same on both words) I’m going to the white house. = I’m going to a house that is white.
(stress on the first syllable) I’m going to the white house. = I’m going to where the president of the USA lives.

Closed Form List

Hyphenated Form List

Open Form List

Compound Nouns Quiz

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What is a compound noun?
Which is a compound noun?
What are the names of the 3 forms of compound noun?
White House
Where do we grow plants?
What do we use to make phone calls?
Who is the mother of my wife?
The stress of a compound noun usually...
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