English XP


Jonathan Race

Hello, my name’s Jonathan, nice to meet you. I’ve been teaching English for around 4 years now and specialise in teaching business English online. 

I love my job, I love my students and I love helping each one achieve their goals.

jonathan race teacher


I am a native (British) English speaker born in Hereford (UK) and currently live in Nottingham.

Having taught in China as well as the UK, I have extensive experience teaching students from a wide range of backgrounds as well as being TEFL-certified.

Each lesson is tailored specifically to each individual student and the priority of the lesson is on achieving the student’s goals, effectively and efficiently.


Language Progress


I originally started learning Mandarin when I lived in China. Although I still practise, Japanese has overtaken as my main second language.

Favorite Study Methods

  • ANKI – to learn vocabulary and memorise grammar concepts
  • Movies / TV – to practise listening
  • Games / News App – to practise reading
  • Friends – I stay in regular contact with to practise my writing and speaking.


I am an avid reader and my topics of choice are usually related to linguistics, psychology and business. As well as keeping the website updated I also write for JIMMYESL on various topics relating to teaching strategies and grammar.

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